The film, Woman With No Name, was designed to be metaphorical. The story follows a woman, suggestively asleep, as she dreams of an old west saloon in which she hunts down a man on a wanted poster. The man's face changes several times before she finally encounters him, appearing as a masked man who she must chase through various dream realms. What is she chasing through her subconscious? Who is the faceless man? Several hints can be gleamed through the film but I hope the audience decides for themselves what the meaning of the film is. The script was written as a birthday gift to my mother, so at the time I didn't think we would rally up a crew to turn it into a film, but I am glad that my first film project was on the challenging side. Even if you are learning you should still strive to make something unique and engaging. Even though I had the idea for the story we had a wonderful crew on this project. My friend Lewis Smith, his wife Kassandra & Missy Mayra were there. Lewis being our awesome lighting expert and photographer. And of course Caryl Wilson with Wild Instincts helped us get the finest wardrobe I have ever laid eyes upon, so a big thank you for that! Last but not least we need to thank our stars, Bobbi Jeen Olson and Jim Olson (who just so happen to be my parents), Bobbi Jeen was a huge help with gathering resources, actors, and locations without her none of this would have happened.